Fireflies Acoustic

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Acoustic Guitar
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]


You would not be-lieve your eyes If ten milli-on fi-re-flies Lit up the world as I fell a-sleep 'Cause they'd fill the o-pen air And leave tear-drops e-very-where You'd think me rude But I would just stand and stare I'd like to make my-self be-lieve That plan-et Earth turns slow-ly It's hard to say+that I'd ra-ther stay A-wake when I'm a-sleep 'Cause e-very-thing is ne-ver as it seems 'Cause I'd get a thou-sand hugs From ten thou-sand light-ning bugs As they tried to teach me how to dance A fox-trot a-bove my head A sock hop be-neath my bed A dis-co ball is just hang-ing by a thread I'd like to make my-self be-lieve That plan-et Earth turns slow-ly It's hard to say+that I'd ra-ther stay A-wake when I'm a-sleep 'Cause e-very-thing is ne-ver as it seems When I fall a-sleep Leave my door o-pen just a crack (Please take me a-way from here) 'Cause I feel like such an in-som-ni-ac (Please take me a-way from here) Why do I ti-re of count-ing sheep (Please take me a-way from here) When I'm far too ti-red to fall a-sleep To ten mil-lion fi-re-flies I'm weird 'cause I hate good-byes I got mist-y eyes as they said fare-well But I'll know where sever-al are If my dreams get real bi-zarre 'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar I'd like to make my-self be-lieve That plan-et Earth turns slow-ly It's hard to+say that I'd ra-ther stay A-wake when I'm as-leep 'Cause e-very-thing is ne-ver as it seems When I fall a-sleep I'd like to make my-self be-lieve That plan-et Earth turns slow-ly It's hard to+say that I'd ra-ther stay A-wake when I'm as-leep 'Cause e-very-thing is ne-ver as it seems When I fall a-sleep I'd like to make my-self be-lieve That plan-et Earth turns slow-ly It's hard to+say that I'd ra-ther stay A-wake when I'm as-leep Be-cause my dreams are burst-ing at the seams